Sunday 6th April
Parishioners meeting - to elect church wardens, before the 10am service
APCM - before the 10am service
If you wish to volunteer for church warden post or have a roll on the PCC application forms can be obtained from the Church office or PCC secretary.
Brick church
Playing with toy bricks, songs and prayers. Once a month at the moment.
A new venture for St Mary’s church started in September 2024. The next one is 18th May 4pm.
Tiddlers Mondays 9:30am - 11am - during term-time.
Church Cleaning
Cleaning day is usually first Thursday of the month 10am - 12 noon. All helpers very welcome.
Christian Aid Coffee Morning
Thursday 3rd April 2025
10 am -12 noon St Mary's Church Hall
Support Christian Aid. Enjoy some company as well as coffee and cake of course!
For the explorers, open-minded, still thinking, and curious
Starting Thursday 6th March 7pm
Discussion and cake at St Mary’s Church
Come along to find out more
Past events this Year
Description goes here -
Christmas Lunch on Christmas Day
This is a Churches Together (CTiS) in Sandbach. Lunch is being offered for anyone who would is on their own and would like some company, or if you would just like to join in.
Please book a place with Bee if wish to come along.
Christmas Day Celebration
25th December 2024 10am
Family Worship with communion
Midnight Mass
24th December 11:30pm
Nativity Service
Christmas Eve 4pm
This is the Nativity Service. Dressing up optional
Nine Lessons and Carols
Sunday 22nd December 2024 6:30pm
This is the Service of 9 Lessons and Carols, by candle light.
Carols on the Cobbles
Thursday 19th December 2024 6pm
A short service for all the family with much loved carols. Held on Sandbach Market Square
Quiet Christmas Service
Tuesday 17th December 2024 6:30pm
A quiet contemplative service for those who find Christmas difficult
Bring and Share Advent/Christmas Lunch
Sunday 1st December 2024 12:30pm
Please bring along some food that you can share with others for a Bring and share Lunch. In the Church Hall.
Advent Inspiration
During Advent you are invited to book group where we will be studying “An Unlikely Advent” by Rachel Billups.
12 Noon on the 27th November, 4th, 11th and 18th December
A light lunch will be provided, just bring the conversation!
Saturday 9th November 2024
in the church hall
7pm-9pm £6
Refreshments for donation
Quiet Reflective Service
Sunday 3rd November 6:30pm
All are welcome to this quiet reflective service. Do let us know if you want to add to the names read out
Autumn Fair
Saturday 26th October 2024
10am - 12:30pmMany stalls selling excellent gifts: crafts, books, toys and much more.
Tombola and Refreshments.
If you can help, or would like a stall please let Gill know at Thursday Teas
CTiS Quiz Night
Churches Together in Sandbach
19th October 7pm
Raising Money for Christmas Day Lunch
Held in St Mary's church Hall
£5 per person
Harvest Festival
29th September 2024
Supper and Evensong
5pm Followed by Evensong at 6:30pm
Summer Picnic
Saturday 3rd August
2 Moreton Close, Sandbach
Thanks to everyone who supported this enjoyable summer event, in a beautiful garden.
Over a hundred pounds was raised towards the roof repair fund.
Big Clean (Hall)
Friday 12th July 2024
10am - 2pm
We are having a “Deep Clean” of the Hall. We are encouraging as many volunteers as possible to help with a deep clean of the Hall. Any time you can spare will be gratefully appreciated, There will be painting of the windows going on at the same time, if that’s something you prefer.
There may be a hot drink for your efforts!
Saturday 4th May 7pm
Ceilidh - This Way Up
Baz Parkes our callerIn the Church Hall
Bar and Raffle
Tickets: £12 (under 16 £6)
Available from Thursday Teas, Church Office -
Easter Egg Hunt
Sat. 30th March 2024
11am- 1pmSt Mary’s Church Sandbach
Admission free
Saturday 9th March 7pm in the Hall
Join a team on arrival
Please bring your own snacks and drinks
RaffleTickets: £5
(from Church wardens an Thursday Teas) -
Lent Book club
Meets on Wednesday after the communion service of a soup lunch and discussion on the chosen book for Lent.
Lent start 14th February 2024
Tiddlers - Mondays 9am, term time
Tiddlers is our Praise and Play group. Primarily for parents and pre-school children.
9am on a Monday morning held in St Marys Church Hall.
Christmas Gifts
30th November and 14th December there will be a chance to do some Christmas shopping at Thursday Teas. A great opportunity to grab a coffee, do some shopping and boost church funds.
In Remembrance
Come and see the handcrafted War Horse and Soldier displayed inside St Mary’s Church. Created by our multi-talented Bell Ringers.
Also there is a fascinating booklet is on sale,detailing the commonwealth graves found in the graveyard at St Mary’s.
Church open 10am - 3pm -
Sing-Along to Sister Act
Friday 15th September 2023
18:30 St Mary Church Sandbach
Dress in your Favourite Habit
Summer School Cheshire
Running Monday 14 – Friday 18 August 2023, each full day (9:30am to 4:30pm) includes a jam-packed itinerary with workshops and games for 7 – 14 year-olds.
Summer Lunch
Sunday 30th July 2023 12:30pm
St Mary’s church Hall
AOM Showband Concert
15th July 2023 7:30pm
St Mary’s church Hall
Beetle Drive
Saturday 10th June 7pm
St Mary’s Church Hall
King Charles III Coronation
Celebration Services at St Mary’s
Coronation Choral Evensong 30th April 2023 6:30pm
Coronation Celebration Service Sunday 7th May 2023 11:15am followed by Bring and Share Lunch
Bishop Sam
Ash Wednesday 22nd February 6:30pm, Bishop of Stockport will be joining us.
All welcome