St Mary’s Church Sandbach
Tel: 07771391667
St Mary’s is the Anglican church of Sandbach. All are invited
All are invited
Growing God's Kingdom in us and through us
Tiddlers term time
Brick Church 4pm Sunday 16th March 4pm
Cleaning Thursday 6th March 10am-12noon
** All are invited ** Growing God's Kingdom in us and through us ** Tiddlers term time ** Brick Church 4pm Sunday 16th March 4pm ** Cleaning Thursday 6th March 10am-12noon
Choral Evensong -
Sunday 23rd February 3:30pm
The St. Christopher Chorale are leading the singing in Choral Evensong this month. Please do come and join us for this service.
ALPHA Course - March 2025
Starts: Thursday 6th March 7pm - Exploring faith together.
Church Electoral Roll
It is time again to record the church electoral roll for St Mary Sandbach. If you are a member of the congregation, or parish of St Mary’s please would you take the time to fill in the Electoral Roll form. It is a new roll so even if you think you are on it now please register again. This is not to be confused with the national political electoral roll!
The forms can be obtained from the office or at the back of church, if you would like one emailing please contact the office.
Please return by 7th March.
May this congregation offer support in times of trouble and rejoice with them always. May our church home strengthen faith and deepen their discipleship. All this we pray in Christ's Holy Name. Amen.
These are the prayers we recently had in our prayer stations in church: 10Prayers24
If you don’t feel comfortable praying or you yourself would like to talk about faith and the journey you are on or would like to begin the journey, please do email or call Rev Bee Boyde
Growing God’s Kingdom in us and through us
To be a multi generational church that actively serves the community and is recognised for sharing the love of God
Brick Church
Brick Church started in September and has grown in numbers each time.
A great chance for children to enjoy play, songs and prayers whilst having fun building all sorts of things out of toy bricks.
Open to all children (they must be accompanied by an adult)
Next session Sunday 15th December at 4pm
Who We Are
However you describe your spiritual journey, we would love for you to join us on the adventure.
Together as church family we seek to be more like Jesus, to help one another, to share our gifts, to pray and worship God together.
We also seek to serve and care for the people of Sandbach so that all may know they are loved.
Whether you come to church regularly, would be interested in finding out more or simply want to experience the peace and tranquillity of this ancient building.
All are welcome
Led by Revd. Bee Boyde
Sunday Services
8am Communion
10am Family Worship(1st Sunday)
10am Parish Eucharist (2nd,4th,5th)
10am Family Worship with Communion (3rd)
3:30pm Evensong (4th Sunday) In Winter
6:30pm Evensong (4th Sunday) in Summer
9:30am Morning prayer
7:00pm Prayer meeting
11:00am Holy Communion
9:30am Morning prayer
Brick Church on 3rd Sunday of the month 4pm. Fun and worship for children.
We also have Book Group, Tiddlers for parents & pre-school children, and a Bereavment Group, Contact Bee for Details